Posts Tagged ‘arts in africa’




                                         Hello friends,

  I am seeking your  views  on 15 Ghanaian poets you think have rocked 2013. I ask that you nominate 2 poets in no particular order.  Here are a few rules for participation :

1. Ghanaian poet is  as defined any poet  or performer (spoken word artiste/ artist/ poet ) who was born, has lived/ is living in Ghana or generally defines his/her identity as such. As much as possible, I urge you to nominate contemporary poets. It will be super to hear to what you have to say about them ( it’s not a requirement though).

2. Only two  nominations are permitted per each email account.

3. In the spirit of fairness, I ask that no poet should nominate him/herself. However, poets can do self-promotion for their readers/ fans to nominate them and  also, can nominate other poets.

4.  Nomination is strictly by email : I will randomly choose comments as citations. Please, state if you don’t want your name to be associated with the comments. Failure to do so automatically means I can use it.

5. Participation is opened to anyone. Nominations will be counted subject to adherence to the the above points.   Deadline  for submission is 3rd, January,2014.  

         Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon. God bless you.


                          In service,

                         Kwabena Agyare Yeboah