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ehanom review

Title: Taboo
Author: Mawuli Adzei
Publishers: Kwadwoan Publishing
Year : 2012
Pages: 245
Reviewer: Kwabena Agyare Yeboah

‘’ Places are ghosts.’’ ‘’ Memories are ghosts.’’ ‘’ To name something is to bring it to life.’’ These sentences appear in different times in Yvonne Owuor’s eloquent, language-dense debut novel Dust. Owuor provokes the amnesia of a nation in a straight-forward term, showing and naming. Mawuli, on the other hand, shuttles in subtlety in the Ghana project. Both, however, have the common trait of bearing witness to history. Something that Kwesi Brew puts it better in Ghana’s Philosophy of Survival – But we have always been here on this land of ours./ Our country is our home and will always be here at home/ To watch, listen and take our suffering/ ‘til true happiness comes naturally and without bitterness.
Taboo as a word comes from Tongan tapu or Fijian tabu which literally…

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New Issue

ehanom review

When I was a child, I read from some of the finest writers from the early generation of Ghanaian writers. I still have some of their books on my shelves. Many a time, I ask myself who the next generation of Ghanaian writers will be as I pass by those books. The question of whether Ghanaian writing is on the rise or fall is by now cliché. Mostly probably, what we have not done much in the last decade or so are to explore spaces for placing our creative works.

In continuing with the tradition established by Okyeame, Ntakra and other early Ghanaian literary journals, we hope this venture will not just be a memory but it will introduce a new generation of Ghanaian writers as we join the rest of the world for a literary communion.

In this issue, we present writers from different generations with different tastes for…

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We pray . . .
The nation’s beauty is a casket
in our long processed history

Times fly as destiny slaps
the gentle souls

This life is opium in the slums
and mucous in the cities

Rest the dew when the dawn
fills our vague biographies

Read this as an attempt at life
Our people kill us with their claws

We die before we live
and then die again

This we live
and pray , and love

“The nation dies” is headline on the front pages
of our distant hearts

and we bow out from this stage;

Life, beauty and this nation




                                         Hello friends,

  I am seeking your  views  on 15 Ghanaian poets you think have rocked 2013. I ask that you nominate 2 poets in no particular order.  Here are a few rules for participation :

1. Ghanaian poet is  as defined any poet  or performer (spoken word artiste/ artist/ poet ) who was born, has lived/ is living in Ghana or generally defines his/her identity as such. As much as possible, I urge you to nominate contemporary poets. It will be super to hear to what you have to say about them ( it’s not a requirement though).

2. Only two  nominations are permitted per each email account.

3. In the spirit of fairness, I ask that no poet should nominate him/herself. However, poets can do self-promotion for their readers/ fans to nominate them and  also, can nominate other poets.

4.  Nomination is strictly by email : I will randomly choose comments as citations. Please, state if you don’t want your name to be associated with the comments. Failure to do so automatically means I can use it.

5. Participation is opened to anyone. Nominations will be counted subject to adherence to the the above points.   Deadline  for submission is 3rd, January,2014.  

         Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon. God bless you.


                          In service,

                         Kwabena Agyare Yeboah